About Us

Heaven-made match, de­sire to be ex­tra­or­di­nary.

In the mid­dle of the last cen­tury, a se­nior in­dus­trial de­signer and a bril­liant me­chan­i­cal en­gi­neer worked hand in hand,​with a shared pas­sion, to cre­ate the cigar humidor they had in mind. Al­though they have dif­fer­ent back­grounds, these two de­sign­ers have​ cre­ated countless eye-catch­ing cigar humidor cabinet for cus­tomers in dif­ferent in­dus­tries in their re­spec­tive ca­reers with their ex­cel­lent mas­tery of en­gi­neer­ing tech­nol­ogy and unique aes­thetic tal­ents.

That’s because the two who have become fa­mous all came up with the idea of “achiev­ing themselves” after achiev­ing oth­ers for many years.

One of their mu­tual clients knew and arranged for the pair to meet with ex­perts in their re­spec­tive fields. This meet­ing also re­sulted in a story of co­op­er­a­tion. After the first exchange, the two im­me­di­ately re­al­ized that the other​ was the partner they wanted. They decided on the spot to co­op­er­ate.


Handed down clas­sics, from a great vi­sion.

Since the beginning of the stu­dio, when there were only two founders, and half a century later, Afi­dano’s goals have never changed.

That is “to cre­ate cigar humidor that far ex­ceed the ex­pec­ta­tions of the world, re­gard­less of the cost, ac­cord­ing to the stan­dard of lux­ury art.”

In the more than ten years since the stu­dio was born, the two have jointly launched more than ten cigar stor­age cab­i­nets with ex­cel­lent con­stant tem­per­a­ture and hu­mid­ity and unique ap­pear­ance.

While these pieces are never sold pub­licly, they are used in their col­lec­tions or given to a se­lect group of clients for their ad­vice and feed­back​. The great vi­sion, cou­pled with the out­stand­ing de­sign and su­perb tech­nol­ogy that has been passed down to the pre­sent day, en­sure that Afi­dano is al­ways at the fore­front of cigar humidor indus­try and achieves ex­tra­or­di­nary achieve­ments.